Inland Lake Harvesters are an effective solution to managing your aquatic weed infestation—from battling algae to water lilies. Examples of common problem weeds can be found in our list to the left along with a brief description of each weed. For help with your specific issues, we encourage you to contact our experts directly for a solution that's tailored to suit your needs.
Emergent plants, such as cattail and water primrose, have sturdy stem structs that propel themselves well above the water surface. Uncontrolled growth of emergent species can block access to your waterways and trap debris in your shallow waters.[x] close
Free floating aquatic weeds, like Duckweed and Water Hyacinth, tend to grow in dense colonies in calm waterways. Floating weeds can be aggressive invaders of ponds and dense colonies can eliminate submerged plants by blocking sunlight penetration. If colonies cover the surface of the water, oxygen depletions and associated losses can occur. These plants should be controlled before they cover the entire surface of the pond.[x] close
Submerged weeds—such as Hydrilla and Eurasian Milfoil among others—are responsible for many of the harmful and undesirable conditions that can occur in your waterways. Growing through the water column, many species of submerged weeds can form dense surface mats, blocking passageways and preventing recreation. Invasive, non-native species can rapidly displace native species and negatively effect your waterways.[x] close
Algae are photosynthetic organisms that occur in most habitats and which exhibit no true leaves, stems, or root systems. The rapid accumulation of algae in an aquatic system, also known as an 'algal bloom', can leave your waterways looking like pea soup or covered with surface mats resembling cotton candy.[x] close
Similar to submerged weeds, water lilies and rooted floating weeds can form dense surface mats that blocking passageways and prevent recreation.[x] close